Growth for Teams
Is your team playing at it’s highest potential?
Almost all work today is performed in teams and most companies are run by a management or leadership team. Some teams are highly functioning and use all the collective competencies and resources to the maximum, and some are not. Maximizing your team’s efficiency should be the highest priority for all leaders, as the opposite implies a very large waste of resources and human and financial wellbeing.
the Greenhouse
MRG RE Greenhouse program is designed specifically for newly formed leadership teams.
The goal of the Greenhouse is to grow both the individuals and the team in a parallell process during six months. The program is designed in four sprints and each sprint is evaluated and new goals are set for the next.
the Greenhouse has four components:
- To grow as an individual leader in your specific role
- To grow alongside a buddy (peer in the team)
- To grow as a leadership team to perform at the highest potential of the complete team
- Observations of management team meetings by MRG RE, evaluation of each sprint and goal setting for the next sprint
Fee will be depending on the number of participants, but start at a base fee of 250 000 SEK (22 600 Euros) per sprint.
Unlearn-to-Learn Program
MRG RE Unlearn-to-Learn Program is an intensive program over 12 weeks, designed specifically for leadership teams. The complete program needs to have a live setting, but each part of the program can be executed stand-alone and in a digital version.
The goal of the MRG RE Unlearn-to-Learn Program is that
- the Leadership Team has established the desired behaviours
- the Leadership Team has improve its’ capability to adapt
- the Leadership Team understands the dynamics of group behaviour
- the Leadership Team is ready to educate the organisation in behavioural change through the MRG RE Unlearn-to-Learn Sequence
- the Leadership Team jointly owns the task of achieving full behavioural change for the organisation
The program is based on the MRG RE Unlearn-to-Learn Sequence. Fee will be depending on the number of participants, but start at a base fee of 250 000 SEK (22 600 Euros).
Unlearn-to-Learn – Attention
(Digital workshop)
The MRG RE Unlearn-to-Learn – Attention workshop is a standalone part of the full MRG RE Unlearn-to-Learn Program, adapted to the current need for digital leadership team development alternatives. The workshop is a full day digital workshop with a combination of full group, small group and work in pairs. The focus is to put attention to what behaviours the team need to learn and unlearn in order to move to wanted position.
Depending on context pre-work is needed in terms of analysis for MRG RE to address the attention in the right area.
The analysis is done through in-depth interviews and our own MRG Team Collaboration Analysis Questionnaire, in combination with the Barrett Values & Behaviours Survey and the Greiner Model of Organizational Growth Parimeters.
The fee for the Attention workshop is 250 000 SEK (22 600 Euros).
Team Efficiency Analysis
No matter what assignment a team has a structural frame needs to be in place in order for each individual to have full access to their resources and creativity. MRG RE’s concept of TA-RO-MA-BO; Task – Role – Mandate – Boundaries provides the frame to analyse the efficiency of a team.
Team Training
The TA-RO-MA-BO Team Training session is a half day session for leaders and managers in the TA-RO-MABO framework as a platform to create higher efficiency in your own team.
The training session has a fee of 50 000 SEK (4 500 Euros).
Find out more
Integral Theory
The Greiner Model of Organizational Growth
Barrett Analytics Cultural Values & Behaviours Survey
Watch a short video
The 7 indicators of a highly collaborating team
The 4 themes of non-collaborating groups – What to pay attention to spot it fast!
How do I shift my management team from non-collaborating to collaborating?